Just an update. I've been taking the norethisterone for six days now. No side effects that I can tell, not that I think there are supposed to be any. I have my scan and nursing appointment on Tuesday which is just two days away. I'm so anxious to get to it!
In other news I've been trying to moderate my diet in preparation for the procedure. This has meant trying to eliminate caffeine and alcohol from my diet. This has not been easy at all. I could do alcohol fairly easily, but it gets hard when you can't have a coke instead of a glass of wine. I've managed fairly well but I've had 2 glasses of wine in the past week because... well, I have no excuse. I read that and then I think, what the hell, I haven't managed fairly well at all!! But I've turned down quite a bit of alcohol in the past week, so I feel like I've done well. Ugh. This will be it until the procedure is finished. I fear it's too much money to be wasting and not taking it seriously. I've looked on forums and seen mixed information on how strict you should be and when you should start. Some people say to cut all caffeine and alcohol three months before the procedure (which I have completely missed the boat on) and some say only when you're on injections. Most seem to agree that a small cup of tea or coffee a day is okay, but caffeine isn't really my issue as I don't drink many hot beverages. It's the alcohol. I've cut back, and I'm happy to cut it out completely for the next three weeks. But it is hard.
My mind still wanders to worrying about egg collection and how few there might be. It's the whole one ovary thing. I read other blogs and other people's experiences and then I have to remind myself that they have two ovaries. I want to be hopeful but I am so terrified that I'll only get one or two or three when I really want seven or eight or nine. I know I just need to do it and see what happens but it is actually incredibly stressful.
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